One Year Later, Many Lessons Learned…


By Ailene Gerhardt, MA, BCPA, CSA®, Founder, Beacon Patient Solutions LLC & Navigating Solo Network

Last August, my life took an unexpected turn when I was diagnosed with idiopathic ulcerative laryngitis. As someone who relies on their voice for both personal and professional communication, losing it felt like losing a part of my identity. My voice is not just a tool; it's an essential part of how I connect, advocate, and educate. From working with clients one-on-one to giving talks and presentations, my voice is integral to everything I do as an Independent Board-Certified Patient Advocate, Certified Senior Advisor®, and Solo Aging Advocate.

As I was driving home after a successful presentation at an event for solo agers in NYC, my voice suddenly vanished. I had no idea how it happened or how long it would last. The diagnosis of idiopathic ulcerative laryngitis left me in a state of uncertainty, and the prescribed voice rest further isolated me. Speaking was off the table, whispering was discouraged, and social interactions became limited. I felt disconnected from the world around me, and it had the potential to take a toll on my mental health.

Faced with the challenge of continuing my work without my primary communication tool, I turned to technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), to fill the gap. This experience not only helped me navigate a difficult period but also opened my eyes to the potential of AI to assist those with physical limitations, create efficiency, and think outside the box when traditional methods fail. It added to my advocacy “toolbox” in many ways!

Navigating the Silence

When I first lost my voice, I felt a deep sense of frustration. How was I supposed to continue working, especially when my role involves so much verbal communication? I knew I needed to find a solution quickly, so I began researching text-to-speech and voice software. I landed on a few tools that allowed me to type out what I wanted to say and then play it back. It wasn't perfect, but it was a start. These tools provided me with a way to stay connected and continue my work, even if it took a bit more effort and patience.

One of the most surprising discoveries during my research was the concept of "voice cloning." While I had heard of the potential risks associated with this technology, I hadn't considered its positive applications. Voice cloning allowed me to create a synthetic version of my voice using audio recordings from past presentations. Within minutes, I had an AI-generated voice that sounded remarkably like me. This tool became a valuable asset as I navigated the challenges of attending and presenting at a national conference while still recovering.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence Tools in My Recovery

As someone who works in healthcare advocacy, I often discuss the role of AI in modern medicine, education, and aging. However, experiencing the direct benefits of AI during my recovery gave me a new appreciation for its potential. I realized that AI could do more than just automate tasks; it could also empower individuals facing a variety of limitations.

For instance, AI tools helped me manage the clerical aspects of my business more efficiently, allowing me to focus on the tasks that required my expertise. They enabled me to maintain my connections with clients and colleagues, even when I couldn't use my voice. Moreover, AI offered a sense of continuity during a time when everything else felt uncertain.

The experience also taught me the importance of accepting help—whether from technology or from others. Advocacy is most effective when all the tools at your disposal are functioning at full capacity. But when those tools are compromised, improvisation becomes necessary. AI became a placeholder for my voice in my advocacy toolbox, allowing me to continue advocating for myself and others.

Overcoming Fear and Embracing AI

During my community education talks, I often mention the role of AI tools in enhancing efficiency and assisting those with limitations. However, I have noticed that many people are wary of AI, viewing it as a "big brother" figure that watches and listens to everything we do. While these concerns are valid, I also share my personal experience to offer a different perspective.

AI isn't just about surveillance or automation; it's about creating new possibilities. When my vocal cords couldn't function, AI stepped in to help me continue doing what I love—advocating for others, educating my community, and connecting with people. By embracing AI, I was able to navigate a challenging time with more ease and less isolation.

I encourage others to think outside the box and consider how AI can assist them in their own lives. Whether it's automating repetitive tasks, providing alternative communication methods, or offering creative solutions to unique challenges, AI has the potential to be a powerful ally.

Lessons Learned and Moving Forward

As my voice gradually returned over the months that followed, I continued to use AI tools to protect and enhance my vocal abilities. I integrated straw exercises into my daily routine, always use a microphone when speaking publicly, stay hydrated, and remain vigilant about preserving my voice. These practices have become a part of my daily life, ensuring that I can continue to use my voice as an effective tool for advocacy.

Reflecting on the past year, I realize that the experience has profoundly impacted both my personal and professional life. It reinforced the importance of self-advocacy, patience, and adaptability. It also highlighted the value of technology in overcoming limitations and maintaining connections with the world around us.

In the time since September 2023, my voice has become stronger, but my journey with AI is far from over. I continue to explore new tools and strategies to improve my work and enhance my ability to advocate for others. I also share my story with others, hoping to inspire them to embrace the possibilities that AI offers.

My experience with idiopathic ulcerative laryngitis and the role of AI in my recovery has been a journey of discovery and growth. It has taught me that even when our abilities are limited, we can find new ways to communicate, connect, and create efficiency in our lives. By embracing AI, we can think outside the box and find solutions to challenges we never thought we could overcome.

Thank you for reading my reflections. I hope they offer you something valuable as you navigate any challenges you face and explore the potential of AI in your life.

Below are links to my four posts about my experience in the Fall of 2023.

Connect With Us: When the complexity of your healthcare situation is too challenging to navigate on your own, working with an independent board certified patient advocate can help cut through the “red tape,” reduce complications, and offer peace of mind at an emotional time. Contact Ailene to learn more about the value of working with a private patient advocate.


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