Adulting 101: What’s Missing from Online Checklists!


By Ailene Gerhardt, MA, BCPA, CSA®, Founder, Beacon Patient Solutions LLC & Navigating Solo Network

As young adults embark on new adventures—whether heading off to college, starting a new job, or moving away from home—it's easy to get caught up in the excitement and overlook some crucial preparations.

If one does an internet search for "18-year-old checklist," you'll find a long list of exciting things young adults can do once they turn 18—like voting, signing contracts, and getting a credit card. However, a crucial item often missing from these lists is ensuring they have documents in place to protect their health and well-being. Without a HIPAA release, health care proxy, alternate proxy, and personal directive, young adults and their families / support team members may face significant challenges in emergencies. It's a small effort that can make a significant difference in times of need.

HIPAA Release

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects the privacy of an individual’s health information. Once an individual turns 18, their medical records become their own, and parents/guardians no longer have automatic access. In an emergency, not having access to medical information can be a significant hurdle. By completing a HIPAA authorization/release form, a young adult grants the ability to obtain vital medical information from healthcare providers. This ensures that their support team members can stay informed and help care out necessary decisions quickly and efficiently.

Health Care Proxy

A health care proxy, or medical power of attorney, is a legal document that designates someone to carry out medical decisions on behalf of an adult if they are unable to do so themselves. Life is unpredictable, and accidents or illnesses can happen at any time. Having a health care proxy in place ensures that someone they trust is empowered to carry out / make critical decisions about their medical care, reflecting the individuals preferences and best interests.

Alternate Proxy

Designating an alternate proxy is equally important. This person steps in if the primary proxy is unavailable or unable to perform their duties. It adds an extra layer of security, ensuring there is always someone ready to make informed decisions on behalf of an individual, no matter the circumstances.

Personal Directive

A personal directive, also known as a living will, outlines an individual’s wishes regarding medical treatment and interventions. This document provides specific instructions about their preferences in various medical scenarios, guiding healthcare providers and proxies to make decisions aligned with their values and desires. It can cover aspects like life support, resuscitation, and organ donation, offering clarity and peace of mind during challenging times.

Why It Matters

These documents are crucial for anyone 18 and older, not just those heading off to college. Whether starting a new job, moving to a new city, or simply living independently, having these legal protections in place is vital. They ensure that a young adult’s medical care is managed according to their wishes and that trusted individuals can step in when needed.

Taking Action

By following a four step process: decide, document, designate, and discuss, one can create a comprehensive and dynamic plan that provides clarity and peace of mind for you and support network. Once an individual has made and documented decisions, proxies are designated, and completed all of the necessary forms, it is important to:

  1. Discuss: Have an open conversation about the importance of these documents and the individual’s preferences for the type of medical care they want and do not want.

  2. Store Safely: Ensure copies of these documents are stored in a safe but accessible place. Provide copies to the designated proxies and the individual’s healthcare provider and if applicable, campus health center.

  3. Review Regularly: Life circumstances change, so it’s essential to review and update these documents periodically to reflect current wishes and relationships.

By taking these proactive steps, a young adult can approach a new chapter in their lives with the security and peace of mind to face new challenges and adventures confidently. It’s a small effort that can make a significant difference in times of need.

Useful Resources:

I know this topic can be anxiety inducing, stressful, and difficult to think and talk about. When you are ready to complete get started or revise what you have compiled, I’m available to help!  Do you need someone to talk to about these documents? I can help that way too!

At any age, it is critical to have a plan (and a back up plan) for the kind of medical care and support desired today, tomorrow, and during a time of medical crisis. Having support in place as one navigates the healthcare system is extremely important.

Connect With Us: When the complexity of your healthcare situation is too challenging to navigate on your own working with an independent board certified patient advocate can help cut through the “red tape” and reduce complications at an emotional time. Contact Ailene to learn more about the value of working with a private healthcare advocate.


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